MP3 Partitions
Alleluia (Canon de Mozart) Alleluia (Canon de Mozart)
Amazing Grace S
Amazing Grace A
Amazing Grace T
Amazing Grace B
Amazing Grace Tutti
Amazing Grace
Amen Tutti final
Amezaliwa S
Amezaliwa A
Amezaliwa T
Amezaliwa B

Avec le temps S
Avec le temps A
Avec le temps T
Avec le temps B
Avec le temps
Better is one day S
Better is one day A
Better is one day T
Better is one day B
Better is one day
Close To Thee S
Close To Thee A
Close To Thee T
Close To Thee B
Close to Thee
Come let us sing S
Come let us sing A
Come let us sing T et B
Come, let us sing
Down by the river S
Down by the river A
Down by the river T
Down by the river B
Down by the river Tuti
Down by the river

Down by the river (paroles seulement)
Every time I feel the Spirit S
Every time I feel the Spirit A
Every time I feel the Spirit T
Every time I feel the Spirit B
Every time I feel the Spirit

Gloria S
Gloria A
Gloria T
Gloria B
Gloria Tutti
Go ! Tell it on the mountain S
Go ! Tell it on the mountain A
Go ! Tell it on the mountain T
Go ! Tell it on the mountain B
Go ! Tell it on the mountain Tutti
Go ! Tell it on the mountain
God be with you S
God be with you A
God be with you T
God be with you B
God be with you Tutti
God be with you

Hallelujah (Cohen) S 1
Hallelujah (Cohen) S 2

Hallelujah (Cohen) A

Hallelujah (Cohen) T
Hallelujah (Cohen) B

Hallelujah (Cohen) Tutti

Hallelujah (Cohen)

Happy to Go A
Happy to go B
Happy to go S
Happy to go T

Happy to go
Heilig A
Heilig B
Heilig S
Heilig T
Hold on to Gods unchanging hand A
Hold on to Gods unchanging hand B
Hold on to Gods unchanging hand S
Hold on to Gods unchanging hand T
Hold on to Gods unchanging hand
Hosanna A
Hosanna B
Hosanna S
Hosanna T
Hosanna tutti
Hosanna (Exo) A
Hosanna (Exo) B
Hosanna (Exo) S
Hosanna (Exo) T
Hosanna, du groupe "Exo"
I am the true wine A
I am the true wine B
I am the true wine S
I am the true wine T
I am the true wine (tutti)
I am the true wine

I believe A
I believe B
I believe S
I believe T
I beleave version Lep's Go

I love to praise A
I love to praise B
I love to praise S
I love to praise T
I love to praise Tutti

I love to praise

I m so glad A
I m so glad B
I m so glad S
I m so glad T
I m so glad Tutti avec B

I'm so glad

Il y aura toujours (A)
Il y aura toujours (B)
Il y aura toujours (S)
Il y aura toujours (T)

Il y aura toujours
Ipharadisi A
Ipharadisi B
Ipharadisi S
Ipharadisi T

Je loue ton nom A
Je loue ton nom B
Je loue ton nom S
Je loue ton nom T
Je loue ton nom Tutti

Je loue ton nom Eternel

Jesus lives in us A
Jesus lives in us B
Jesus lives in us S
Jesus lives in us T

Jesus lives in us


Jesus sois le centre A
Jesus sois le centre B et T
Jesus sois le centre S
Jesus sois le centre T
Jesus sois le centre Tutti

Jesus, sois le centre

Just a closer walk with Thee A
Just a closer walk with Thee B
Just a closer walk with Thee S
Just a closer walk with Thee T

Just a closer walk with Thee
Khumbaya A
Khumbaya B
Khumbaya S
Khumbaya T
Khumbaya tutti

Le Dieu de victoire A
Le Dieu de victoire B
Le Dieu de victoire S
Le Dieu de victoire T
Le Dieu de victoire Tutti

Le Dieu de victoire habite en moi

Les anges dans nos campagnes A
Les anges dans nos campagnes B
Les anges dans nos campagnes S
Les anges dans nos campagnes T
Les anges dans nos campagnes
Listen to the voice of Jesus A
Listen to the voice of Jesus B
Listen to the voice of Jesus S
Listen to the voice of Jesus T
Listen to the voice of Jesus (tutti)
Listen to the voice of Jesus
Ma Philosophie_S
Ma Philosophie_A
Ma Philosophie_T
Ma Philosophie_B
Ma Philosophie (paroles)
Marvelous A
Marvelous B
Marvelous S
Marvelous T
Mate de A
Mate de B
Mate de S
Mate de T
Mate de

Mawu ana S
Mawu ana A
Mawu ana T
Mawu ana B
Mawu ana Tutti

Mawu ana

Noel Christ is born A
Noel Christ is born B
Noel Christ is born S
Noel Christ is born T
Noel Christ is born tutti

Noel, Christ is born (avec tenor corrige )

Noel joie dans le ciel A
Noel joie dans le ciel B
Noel joie dans le ciel S
Noel joie dans le ciel T
Noel joie dans le ciel Tutti

Noel joie dans le ciel
Noel, joie dans le ciel last version
Notre Pere A
Notre Pere B
Notre Pere S
Notre Pere T
Notre Pere (Exo)
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi A
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi B
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi S
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi T

Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi Soliste
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi (partition)

Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi (paroles)
NousVoulonsLaPaixDansLeMonde (tutti)
Nous voulons la paix dans le monde
Oh Freedom A
Oh Freedom B
Oh Freedom S
Oh Freedom Tenor
Oh Freedom Tutti
Oh freedom
On mountains high S
On mountains high A
On mountains high T
On mountains high B
On mountains high (partition)

On mountains high (lien Youtube)

On mountains high  (Lep's Go)
Praise the Lord + Marvelous S
Praise the Lord +Marvelous A
Praise the Lord +Marvelous B
Praise the Lord +Marvelous T
Praise the Lord + Marvelous

Psaume 3 A
Psaume 3 B
Psaume 3 T
Psaume 3 Tutti

Psaume 3

Psaume 4 last version A
Psaume 4 last version B
Psaume 4 last version S
Psaume 4 last version T
Psaume 4 last version Tutti
Psaume 4
 Que l'on chante qu'on s'apprete A
 Que l'on chante qu'on s'apprete B
 Que l'on chante qu'on s'apprete S
 Que l'on chante qu'on s'apprete T
 Que l'on chante qu'on s'apprete
Rejouis-toi voici ton roi A
Rejouis-toi voici ton roi B
Rejouis-toi voici ton roi S
Rejouis-toi voici ton roi T.m
Rejouis toi voici ton roi
Ride on in that great getting up morning A
Ride on in that great getting up morning B
Ride on in that great getting up morning S
Ride on in that great getting up morning Tenor
Ride on in that great getting up morning

Santo A
Santo B
Santo S
Santo Tutti
Schocholoza A
Schocholoza B
Schocholoza S
Schocholoza T
Shosholoza (en sol majeur)

Lien Youtube : Shosholoza (Paroles + traduction anglaise)
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree (Refrain) A
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree (Refrain) B
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree (Refrain) S
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree (Refrain) T

Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree, S + M lodie
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cr (partition, m lodie, accords)
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cr (paroles)
Shine your light (par le choeur Oslo Gospel) Shine your light


Sois mon chemin A
Sois mon chemin B
Sois mon chemin S
Sois mon chemin T
Sois mon chemin T 1
Sois mon chemin Tutti

Sois mon chemin
Somlandela A
Somlandela B
Somlandela S
Somlandela T


Svyiatyi Boje A
Svyiatyi Boje B
Svyiatyi Boje S
Svyiatyi Boje T
Svyiatyi Boje Tutti

Svyatyi boje

Ta lumiere a brill dans la nuit A
Ta lumiere a brill dans la nuit B
Ta lumiere a brill dans la nuit S
Ta lumiere a brille dans la nuit T
Ta lumiere a brille dans la nuit

The family of God A
The family of God B
The family of God S
The family of God T
The family of God Tutti

The family of God
The tempest on the lake A
The tempest on the lake B
The tempest on the lake S
The tempest on the lake T
The tempest on the lake Tutti
The tempest on the lake

Un si grand miracle A
Un si grand miracle B
Un si grand miracle S
Un si grand miracle T
Un si grand miracle Tutti
Un si grand miracle-1
Victory is mine A
Victory is mine S
Victory is mine T
Victory is mine Tutti
Victory is mine

Victory is mine +
Voici Noel A
Voici Noel B
Voici Noel S
Voici Noel T
Voici Noel o douce nuit
 We are the world A
 We are the world B
 We are the world S
 We are the world T
We are the world (arrangement Christine en r majeur)

Lien YouTube : USA For Africa - We Are The World (HQ official Video)

We need your love A
We need your love B 1
We need your love S
We need your love T

We need your love

We wish you a merry Christmas S
We wish you a merry Christmas A
We wish you a merry Christmas T
We wish you a merry Christmas B
We wish you a merry Christmas.pdf
  What a wonderful world  (paroles)

Yezu azali awa A
Yezu azali awa B
Yezu azali awa S
Yezu azali awa T
Yezu Azali awa Tutti

Yezu Azali Awa


You raise me up A
You raise me up B
You raise me up S
You raise me up T
You raise me up Tutti

You raise me up