MP3 |
Partitions |
Alleluia (Canon de Mozart) |
Alleluia (Canon de Mozart) |
Amazing Grace S
Amazing Grace A
Amazing Grace T
Amazing Grace B
Amazing Grace Tutti |
Amazing Grace |
Amen Tutti final
Amezaliwa S
Amezaliwa A
Amezaliwa T
Amezaliwa B |
Amezaliwa_paroles |
Avec le temps S
Avec le temps A
Avec le temps T
Avec le temps B |
Avec le temps |
Better is one day S
is one day A
Better is one day T
Better is one day B
Better is one day |
Close To Thee S
Close To Thee
Close To Thee T
Close To Thee B |
Close to Thee |
Come let us sing S
Come let us sing A
Come let us sing T et B |
Come, let us sing |
Down by the river S
Down by the river A
Down by the river T
Down by the river B
Down by the river Tuti
Down by the river
Down by the river (paroles seulement) |
Every time I feel the Spirit
Every time I feel the Spirit
Every time I feel the Spirit T
Every time I feel the Spirit B
Every time I feel the Spirit
EveryTimeIFeelTheSpirit_paroles |
Gloria S
Gloria A
Gloria T
Gloria B
Gloria Tutti
Gloria |
Go ! Tell it on the mountain
Go ! Tell it on the mountain
Go ! Tell it on the mountain
Go ! Tell it on the mountain B
Go ! Tell it on the mountain Tutti
Go ! Tell it on the
mountain |
God be with you S
God be with you A
God be with you T
God be with you B
God be with you Tutti |
God be with you |
Hallelujah (Cohen) S 1
Hallelujah (Cohen) S 2
Hallelujah (Cohen) A
Hallelujah (Cohen) T
Hallelujah (Cohen) B
Hallelujah (Cohen) Tutti
Hallelujah (Cohen)
Happy to Go A
Happy to go
Happy to go
Happy to go T
Happy to go |
Heilig A
Heilig B
Heilig S
Heilig T |
Heilig |
Hold on to Gods unchanging hand A
Hold on to Gods unchanging hand B
Hold on to Gods unchanging hand S
Hold on to Gods unchanging hand T |
Hold on to Gods unchanging
hand |
Hosanna A
Hosanna B
Hosanna S
Hosanna T
Hosanna tutti |
Hosanna |
Hosanna (Exo) A
Hosanna (Exo) B
Hosanna (Exo) S
Hosanna (Exo) T |
Hosanna, du groupe "Exo" |
I am the true
wine A
I am the true
wine B
I am the true
wine S
I am the true
wine T
I am the true
wine (tutti) |
I am the true wine
IAmTheTrueVine_paroles |
I believe A
I believe B
I believe S
I believe T
Tutti |
I beleave version Lep's
Go |
I love to
praise A I love to
praise B I love to
praise S
I love to
praise T
I love to
praise Tutti
I love to
I m so glad A
I m so glad B
I m so glad S
I m so glad T
I m so glad Tutti avec B
I'm so glad
Il y aura toujours (A)
Il y aura toujours (B)
Il y aura toujours (S)
Il y aura toujours (T)
Il y aura toujours
Ipharadisi A
Ipharadisi B
Ipharadisi S
Ipharadisi T |
Ipharadisi |
Je loue ton nom
Je loue ton nom
Je loue ton nom
Je loue ton nom
Je loue ton
nom Tutti
Je loue ton nom Eternel
Jesus lives in us A
Jesus lives in us B
Jesus lives in us S
Jesus lives in us T
Jesus lives in us
JesusLivesInUs_paroles |
Jesus sois
le centre A
Jesus sois le centre B et T
sois le centre S
sois le centre T
sois le centre Tutti
sois le centre
Just a closer walk with Thee A
Just a closer walk with Thee B
Just a closer walk with Thee S
Just a closer walk with Thee T
Just a closer walk with Thee
Khumbaya A
Khumbaya B
Khumbaya S
Khumbaya T
Khumbaya tutti |
Khumbaya |
Le Dieu de
victoire A
Le Dieu de
victoire B
Le Dieu de
victoire S
Le Dieu de
victoire T
Le Dieu de victoire Tutti
Le Dieu de victoire habite en moi
Les anges dans nos
campagnes A
Les anges dans nos
campagnes B
Les anges dans nos
campagnes S
Les anges dans nos
campagnes T |
Les anges dans nos campagnes |
Listen to
the voice of Jesus A
Listen to
the voice of Jesus B
to the voice of Jesus S
Listen to
the voice of Jesus T
Listen to
the voice of Jesus (tutti) |
Listen to the voice
of Jesus |
Ma Philosophie_S
Ma Philosophie_A
Ma Philosophie_T
Ma Philosophie_B |
Ma Philosophie (paroles) |
Marvelous A
Marvelous B
Marvelous S
Marvelous T |
Mate de A
Mate de B
Mate de S
Mate de T |
Mate de |
Mawu ana
Mawu ana A
Mawu ana T Mawu ana B Mawu ana Tutti
Mawu ana
Merci |
Christ is born A
Christ is born B
Christ is born S
Christ is born T
Christ is born tutti
Noel, Christ is born (avec tenor corrige )
joie dans le ciel A
Noel joie dans le ciel B
Noel joie dans le ciel S
joie dans le ciel T
joie dans le ciel Tutti
Noel joie dans le ciel
Noel, joie dans le
ciel last version
Notre Pere A
Notre Pere B
Notre Pere S
Notre Pere T |
Notre Pere (Exo) |
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi A
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi B
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi S
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi T
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi (partition)
Nous trouverons cet Amour en Toi
(paroles) |
(tutti) |
Nous voulons la paix dans le
monde |
Oh Freedom A
Oh Freedom B
Oh Freedom S
Oh Freedom Tenor
Oh Freedom Tutti |
Oh freedom |
On mountains high S
On mountains high A
On mountains high T
On mountains high B |
On mountains high (partition)
On mountains high (lien Youtube)
On mountains high (Lep's Go)
Praise the
Lord + Marvelous S
Praise the Lord
+Marvelous A
Praise the Lord
+Marvelous B
Praise the Lord
+Marvelous T
Praise the Lord + Marvelous |
Psaume 3 A
Psaume 3 B
Psaume 3 T
Psaume 3 Tutti
Psaume 3
Psaume 4 last version A
Psaume 4 last version B
Psaume 4 last version S
Psaume 4 last version T
Psaume 4 last version Tutti |
Psaume 4 |
Que l'on chante qu'on s'apprete A
Que l'on chante qu'on s'apprete B
Que l'on chante qu'on s'apprete S
Que l'on chante qu'on s'apprete T |
Que l'on chante
qu'on s'apprete |
Rejouis-toi voici ton roi A
Rejouis-toi voici ton roi B
Rejouis-toi voici ton roi S
Rejouis-toi voici ton roi T.m |
Rejouis toi voici ton roi |
Ride on in that great
getting up morning A
Ride on in that great
getting up morning B
Ride on in that great
getting up morning S
Ride on in that great
getting up morning Tenor
Ride on in that great
getting up morning
RideOnlnThatGreatGettingUpMorning_paroles |
Santo A
Santo B
Santo S
Santo Tutti
Santo |
Schocholoza A
Schocholoza B
Schocholoza S
Schocholoza T |
Shosholoza (en sol majeur)
Lien Youtube : Shosholoza
(Paroles + traduction anglaise) |
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree (Refrain) A
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree (Refrain) B
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree (Refrain) S
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree (Refrain) T
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cree, S + M lodie |
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cr (partition, m lodie, accords)
Seigneur, c'est toi qui a cr (paroles) |
Shine your light (par le choeur Oslo Gospel) |
Shine your light |
Sois mon chemin
Sois mon chemin
Sois mon chemin
Sois mon chemin
Sois mon
chemin T 1
Sois mon
chemin Tutti
Sois mon
Somlandela A
Somlandela B
Somlandela S
Somlandela T
Somlandela_paroles |
Svyiatyi Boje
Svyiatyi Boje
Boje S
Svyiatyi Boje
Svyiatyi Boje
Ta lumiere a brill dans la nuit A
Ta lumiere a brill
dans la nuit B
Ta lumiere a brill dans la nuit S
Ta lumiere a brille dans la nuit T
Ta lumiere a brille
dans la nuit |
The family of
God A
The family of
God B
The family of
God S
The family of
God T
The family
of God Tutti
The family of
The tempest on the lake A
The tempest on the lake B
The tempest on the lake S
The tempest on the lake T
The tempest on the lake Tutti
The tempest on the
TheTempestOnTheLake_paroles |
Un si grand miracle A
Un si grand miracle B
Un si grand miracle S
Un si grand miracle T
Un si grand miracle Tutti
Un si grand miracle-1 |
Victory is mine A
Victory is mine S
Victory is mine T
Victory is mine Tutti |
Victory is mine
Victory is mine + |
Voici Noel A
Voici Noel B
Voici Noel S
Voici Noel T |
Voici Noel o douce nuit |
We are the world A
We are the world B
We are the world S
We are the world T |
We are the world (arrangement Christine en r majeur)
Lien YouTube
: USA For Africa - We Are The World (HQ official Video) |
We need your love A
We need your love
B 1
We need your love
We need your love
We wish you a merry
Christmas S
We wish you a merry
Christmas A
We wish you a merry
Christmas T
We wish you a merry
Christmas B |
We wish you a merry
Christmas.pdf |
What a wonderful world
(paroles) |
Yezu azali awa A
Yezu azali awa B
Yezu azali awa S
Yezu azali awa T
Yezu Azali awa Tutti
Yezu Azali Awa
YezuAzaliAwa_paroles |
You raise me up A
You raise me up B
You raise me up S
You raise me up T
You raise me up Tutti